哥哥6岁, 弟弟还有几个月就4岁了。现在打架比一起玩少多了。看他们一起玩,真是开心。 有一天回来,看到餐桌上添了很多划痕。我很生气,问谁干的。弟弟大声指责:“是哥哥!” 糊涂的哥哥居然想了想,说是他,反应过来才说不是他。我说,肯定是弟弟!弟弟说:“不是我,是桌子自己干的!” 爸爸妈妈都气得笑起来。 弟弟转头又说,桌子只有一个颜色,意思是他给桌子添颜色呢。 等打屁股的时候倒是爽快,我让他一边数有多少个划痕,我一边打屁股,25下,我手都有点疼,人家倒是很高兴的样子。
Princess Pullup. Benjamin is just a few months to four, and he is still having pullups at night! He said that it is pullup, not diaper, so he isn't a baby anymore, he is still a little boy. But he still wet his pullups almost everynight! He used a bag of toys story pullups soon after he came back from China. I went to costco to get another box. After we opened the box, we found out that it is PRINCESS pullups! My husband throw it to me, and said that it is my responsibility to have Ben wear it. Luckly, Ben just laughed at it. He still wets princess almost every night! I let the princess to kiss him once she is clean.
April 10,2011. Ben sat in the back while I was playing a disk in the car. Lyric: "If you never come back, my heart will break." "mom, why people's heart break?" "well, if you don't get close to me, don't love me, my heart will break." "Oh, then heart is made of glass, and it will break if I fall to the ground!"
哥哥: Arthur suddenly offered to help me clean the dishes, and make the table! It was March 7th, 2011. I was thrilled! He got two stars for doing that!
Mom got promoted: Before hubby left, Arthur said sadly: mom, you will be my only choice (no one will change battery and play dvd for him). He promoted me as his BEST choice soon after I got his first pet, and went to subway to take sandwich for dinner.
2025 Chinaway Volunteers Program
7 years ago