Sunday, July 25, 2010

ZT:Fun place in San Diego

鼎泰丰 1108 S. Baldwin Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007(626) 574-7068这次去南加,专门去朝圣。我家大小都特别喜欢小笼包,去哪里玩都专门挑小笼包店吃个痛快。去年在台北还特意去了鼎泰丰在永康街的本店。这次和我家表舅一家约在鼎泰丰见面,就是想再胡吃海喝一顿。可惜,期待越大,失望也越大。用了美国猪肉的鼎泰丰小笼包比起台北的失色许多。我们点了很多,小笼包和蟹粉小笼包都还不错,红油抄手很好,素蒸饺一般,牛肉面却很差劲,最出彩的是排骨蛋炒饭,那个排骨真是又香又酥,强力推荐,其他我记不得了,噢噢,还有点豆沙和芋泥甜包,也不推荐。鼎泰丰同一个shopping center就有小雅屋(J.J.Bakery)1130 S. Baldwin Ave.TEL: 626-836-6888,是台式的饼屋,非常非常赞!!!我们买了好多,有甜的(芋泥超赞,红豆麻吉,菠萝,核桃)咸的(肉松,叉烧,热狗,蛋沙拉),香香软软,都好吃的不得了。Irvine 有一家人气超红的面包店叫85degree,,天天都是排长队啊。他家的蛋糕不怎么样(至少我在台北店里吃到的不怎么样),但是面包真的超好吃的,芋泥麻吉,还有核桃的,还有cheese的,怎么样的都香软得让你觉得好幸福啊!再有就是日本菜。我们好喜欢Tommy's Sushi 1051 E Main St, Tustin, CA 92780,(714) 544-5241Awesome poki bowl, bronco roll, and cucumber paradise. We went there twice! 那个poki bowl,真是我吃过最赞的 poki bowl了,big chunks of salmon, tuna, octopus, avocado, cucumber, and fish roes, and crab salad, 想起来又口水哗哗了。连我老公不是那么喜欢生鱼的都念念不忘。我家两个小的也在里面吃了好多sushi呢。如果喜欢日本拉面,santoka 是一家比较有名的。如果喜欢日式烧烤,我朋友推荐 shinsengumi。泰国菜 Siam Taste of Asia 3520 W 1st St, Santa Ana, CA 92703,(714) 418-9678这家店小小的,地点也不太好,一点不起眼。但是他的菜真不错。deep fried tofu was the star of the night,外脆里嫩,淋在上面的酱汁香气逼人,好吃啊,我们最后居然又叫了一份!还有 Fried seabass with green curry sauce was another winner.还有一家叫 Thai Nakorn 的泰国店,据说比这家还好吃,不过离我们住的地方远一点,我们没有试。越南菜:Brodard。(714) 530-1744. 9892 Westminster Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92844他家的春卷是一绝!韩国菜: Cho Sun Galbee,韩国烤肉LA的中东菜也很棒,黎巴嫩,伊朗,等。我很喜欢希腊菜和中东菜。那里的kebabs好好吃啊。我去的一家叫 Zankou Chicken, 2424 W Ball Rd Ste S, Anaheim, CA 92804, (714) 229-2060 离disney很近。还有tapas wine bar:AOC, 中国菜:云川园。14310 Culver Dr,Irvine, CA 92604(949) 559-1116云南过桥米线,还有其他云南四川菜。福方园,Noodle House, 18219 E. Gale Avenue, #A
Rowland Heights, CA 专门卖饺子的。San Diego 圣地亚哥的美食圣地亚哥最有名的大概就是 fish taco。我们试了很多家。有贵的,在 Del Mar 去了Brigantine's, 据说是 San Diego 最好的,我们却觉得只是还好,没有惊艳。3263 Camino Del Mar,Del Mar, CA 92014,858-481-1166反而吃到最可心fish taco的居然是28街和 Ocean Blvd 交口一个没有名字的店。一看菜单上只有西班牙文就知道来对了地方。这家的鱼有很多种,有的是烤的,有的是炸的,都好吃的不得了啊。离Balboa Park很近的一家 Marketplace Deli,他家的三明治和沙拉都非常新鲜好吃!2601 5th Ave (between Maple St & Nutmeg St) 92103在 Little Italy 有一间Deli 叫 Mona Lisa Deli,做的是意式 cold cut sub style 三明治,no-grills。他家的 eggplant parmigiana sub is amazing! 2061 India St (between Grape St & Hawthorn St) San Diego, CA 92101越南菜:Phuong Trang 4170 Convoy St 92111 (858) 565-6750 很喜欢越南粉,很清淡。中国菜我们就去了两家:過橋園 4690 Convoy St.,San Diego,CA92122。去了两次,很喜欢他家的凉菜,那个红油猪耳很赞啊,我家的小孩吃得好欢。过桥米线很鲜嫩!小肥羊 4718 Clairemont mesa Blvd,San Diego, CA 92117要了一个鸳鸯锅,真的好香好浓啊,但是又不腻,反而很清爽呢。还有他家的手工面,真的好Q好好吃!太怀念了。老公回来后一直念叨要去Houston的小肥羊再过一次瘾。日本拉面。Tajima 但馬 4681 Convoy St,San Diego, CA 92111,汤汁很浓,面也QQ的,老公叫了一个麻婆豆腐的,被我笑,可是居然很好吃呢。

Friday, July 16, 2010

I love San Francisco!

I have been to SF for a few times but never fully enjoy it. Many thanks to my boss who finally send me here for a one-week-training so I can explore the city.

My hotel is on Stockton in Union square. It is one block away from Chinatown. I have been there for breakfast and dinner. My training ends at 6pm. Most of the stores in Chinatown closed around that time. It is kind of scary to walk on the dirty street with so many store closed. Somehow I still find a Northern style restaurant, and go to a beauty store for haircut. A Japanese noodle store has good ramen.

1. ZEY restaurant, 655 Jackson St, 415-981-8988
2. Barber Jason, 945 Stockton St, 415-699-4629

I went to a Buddha temple (, 3134 22st, 94110, ), and there is a temple right next to stockton st. They told me that there is the same temple in LA ( 660 Monterey rd, #100, 626-281-5728).

I went to the same ginseng store that my husband went to (850 Jackson st). It is a whole sale store. I hope to get some sea cucumber back.

I planned to go to Lombard st but it was so cold! I should have booked Alcatraz tour months ago.

SF remind me so much about Beijing: crowded city with many stores, buses everywhere. I love SF!

Friday, July 9, 2010


难得的单身生活, 好几年攒下的活一个一个干.

1. project one: reseal granite contertop

这个实在是想起来难,做起来简单,但是还是很累人的活。 网上买了最好的sealer (bulletproof stone sealer),把所有的东西都挪开,countertop 弄干净, 然后用个小滚筒把sealer滚来滚去,和刷漆差不多。 最后擦干。 可惜我家浴室的countertop 质量不好,我也不早早的保护,已经不行了。

Follow up: after I came back from SF, the countertop didn't seem to be as shinning as before. It took me a while to polish them with the dry tower. Luckly it was shinner than before.

For the countertop in Bathroom, I didn't know that I should remove the water stain before seal.

2. project two: bathroom paint and refurbish bathtub
A professional flipper contractor came, he recommend me to leave them as they are since I will be rent the current home out. He said that painting is more important than the new bathtub. Many thanks to him: Stylin Construction, Curly, 818-407-1327

3. project three: paint the wall and door
Joe came and give me a lot of detailed direction on how to paint. I spend a long time at Lowes, could not find the liquid sandpaper. Will go to Homedepot.

4. project four: cleanup all rooms