Saturday, December 27, 2008


两年前去过一次赌城, 那时候远远小,不到两岁,我们又没做计划,住得远,玩得很痛苦,觉得赌城实在不是带孩子去的地方。这次带两个孩子,明明才一岁半,远远4岁,还是很累人的,但是因为计划好,玩得还是很是很开心的,是我们不多的成功的旅行中的一次。

赌城的主要活动有两个:看节目和赌博。这两个都是儿童不宜的。我把一个介绍节目的小册子仔细研究,就看到有三个节目是针对有小孩的家庭的。旅馆楼下有卖票的,我们买到了 DIRK ARTHUR 的魔术的票。 这个节目还是很好看的,舞台上美女变老虎, 明明一开始吓哭了, 后来习惯了音响刺激, 也很开心的。

我们还看了一些旅馆的免费的表演, WYNN的立体水幕(很好看,就是太短, 一个大青蛙出来唱了一个歌), MIRAGE的火山喷发(好看,远远吓哭了,明明也跟着哭, 真没出息), CASEAR的水族观(好看, 远远明明都太高兴了),VENITIAN的歌舞(好看!另外我们还做了刚多拉小船,一家人50刀,不便宜也不太好玩),BELAGIO的温室花房和玻璃花屋顶(节日布置得很漂亮),城里的灯光天幕(太好看了!), 远远最喜欢的还是我们住的旅馆的杂技表演, 可惜我们忙着赶场看其他的, 没有让他尽兴。

赌城的自助餐是最著名的. 我们圣诞前一天去了BELLAGIO 吃早午餐, 就是早餐和午餐一起的. 因为是节日, 供应香槟, 我们两个要77刀,还好孩子不算钱. 实在太好吃了, 很多早餐我都没见过, 现在想起来还流口水. 后来听说WYNN的自助也很好,留到下次去吧. 因为有孩子, 很多时候吃饭都是图方便. 这次出门带了很多零食, 包括方便面, 还是很有用的.

到了赌城, 吃了玩了怎么也要赌一次. 最后的圣诞夜, 两个孩子都睡了,我们两个偷偷的溜出来去玩老虎机. 我玩了五分钱的, 第一个机器居然赢了50! 一分钱的机器也好玩,一块钱能玩很久. 25 分的最不好玩, 五块钱下去一下就没了. 好在我比较知足,拿了我的50刀就走人了. 50刀给了我美好的回忆.

回来的路上随便去了个墨西哥的餐馆,圣诞的早晨还开门,居然生意不错,一试之下,真是好吃便宜啊,下次还去. Casa Jimenez Restaurant (760) 252-3346925 Barstow RdBarstow, CA 92311
两个孩子都分别生病. 真盼望一次没有孩子的旅行啊.

another place to stay: Tuscany suites & casino, big room

Free Show Plan (
Free Show:

1. The Aquarium at the Silverton Hotel Details (3333 Blue Diamond Rd.)Hours of operation: Open daily, 24 hours. Daily fish feeding from 1:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The mermaid show runs from Thursday - Sunday, between 2:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m., every 15 minutes (excluding fish feeding times). Schedule is subject to change, so please call for updated times.

2. Fountains at Bellagio Bellagio (Every hour on the hour Sunday - Thursday, 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.; )Conservatory (3600 S. Las Vegas Blvd.)"Fioro di Como," a glass sculpture by artist Dale Chihuly, commissioned exclusively for Bellagio. The colorful sculpture is located above the front desk lobby and features more than 2,000 individually blown glass pieces.

3. Fall of Atlantis and Festival Fountain shows at Caesars Forum Shops(3570 S. Las Vegas Blvd.)Every hour on the hour Sunday - Thursday, 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.; Once the show concludes, take a walk behind the fountain and check out more than 100 species of ocean life in a 50,000-gallon saltwater aquarium.

4. Fremont Street Experience, 425 Fremont St.Hours of operation: Viva Vision show times are 6:30 p.m., 8 p.m., 9 p.m., 10 p.m., 11 p.m. and midnight. stop at Krispy Kreme, grab a doughnut and enjoy the Fremont Street Experience from the comfort of an outdoor patio.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


远远从小就不喜欢新鲜的衣服,给他买衣服都选和他旧衣服接近的买,如果有了新样子的衣服,都要费尽口舌才能让他穿上。 现在年纪大了,会表达了,最近给他穿衣服, 如果夸他漂亮,他就一脸不高兴得说:“我不喜欢漂亮衣服”。 为了骗他穿新的衣服, 我都要说:“这是姥姥自己做的衣服,真是不漂亮啊,快来穿。”“这是一个阿姨给你从北京买的衣服,太不漂亮了,快来试试。”上次给他买个红色绒衣,现在坚决不穿,是不是因为我说他穿了特别的漂亮呢?只好等一等,等他忘了再骗他穿了。

两个孩子的不同,总是让我惊奇. 明明特别喜欢新鲜事物, 去买鞋的时候, 自己就把自己的旧鞋脱掉, 等不及我结帐交钱也要穿新鞋. 现在远远大了, 如果有样子朴实的新鞋, 也能穿在脚上. 他小时候, 让他试一试新鞋时多莫艰难的事情啊.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


今天,换工作的事情终于最后敲定了。明年,2009 年一开始,我就去新单位报到了。我会和我们家领导在一个单位, 远远幼儿园从新单位走路就到。 新单位离家就10分钟的路, 我现在的工作每天总共三个小时的赶路时间, 新旧对比,实在是天上地下。我原来还很爱名声,也觉得夫妻两个最好在不用的单位。UCLA学校的名声是很大,工作也很有挑战性,工作软环境也很好,但是长时间的开车坐车实在是太累人了。 我已经坐了一年的公车了,有时候误车了,有时候车来晚了,有时候要站半小时才能有座,经常是早晨等车时候太阳还没出来,冷风透骨。 我拿了图书馆的学位后,还想着做个图书馆员。现在年纪大了,一切都以家庭为中心, 实用为根本。夫妻两个在一个单位多好,也许我们都不需要两个车了;单位名声小点,工作难度低点,工资还高了一点, 这是多好的事啊;我自己的身份背景去申请图书馆员的工作,是用自己的短处和美国人的长处竞争,图书馆员的工作合适的还非常少,我找网页程序员的工作,这次都没有特别认真地找,申请了4个工作居然有三个面试,最后拿到的是4个工作中最适合我的,在这个到处都是裁员的时候,实在是太幸运的事情了。生活真是越来越好了。

不过我换工作后,原来打算的09年夏天全家回国探亲的计划就被打乱了。我现在一年有15天的带薪假期,我已经攒了一年的假期了,换工作后就没有假期了。现在有两个计划,一个是让孩子爸爸带两个孩子先回去,然后我在回去, 大家一起回来。这个计划就是要辛苦爸爸,带两个孩子出这末远门是很麻烦的,还要麻烦两边的家里人,还要和两家商量。北京家里如果有困难,可以直接从北京飞南京。 另一个计划就是孩子爸爸带远远回去, 我和明明就不回去了。这个计划最简单,也不怎末麻烦家里人,带一个孩子还是很容易的,尤其远远又很乖。

update: 我换工作的时候,同事就警告,说别当的别人裁员的挡箭牌。没想到,我一年的试用期才过了一半,就传来了州内财政紧张,我们的资金要大幅度降低。现在是每个人减薪10%至少一年, 另外还是要裁员。不知道减薪后裁员的幅度由多大,如果不减薪,那三分之一的工作要给裁掉。

update: 我换工作的时候就有同事提醒, 说别成了人家裁员的挡箭牌。 政府工作裁员是安年头来, 干的短的先走。 谁知道来了才半年, 试用期还没过, 就传来要裁员的消息。 加州经济危机, 我们直接受影响。 我和老公都要降10%的薪水, 就这样, 也不能保证不裁员。 而且这次裁员没有什么走路费。
即便是早知道是这样, 我也会接受这份工作的。 两个孩子的家, 又没人帮忙, 当妈妈的不可能每天三个小时在路上的。

Saturday, November 29, 2008




1。巧用Cake Mix做改良蛋糕

2。Choo Choo train cake

3。爱厨 , 主要学习作奶油,抹奶油的指示。

4. 奶油生日蛋糕的心得:


step 1, 工具:第一次作别怕投资,考虑到我们做上十个八个后就能收回成本,前期投入还是必要的。我买了有:颜料,抹刀,cake decoration set, 烤盘,手提電動攪拌器(10刀左右的就行,爱厨网站有图), 还考虑到蛋糕运输的问题,买了个有提手的蛋糕盒子。 其实我还买了一些没什末用的东西,再此略过不提。

step 2,蛋糕: 蛋糕原料就按上面改良蛋糕的方子就行,我做了两层,蛋糕被我搬来搬去的一点事都没有。蛋糕做之前要往烤盘里喷油,用cooking spray. 做好的蛋糕要放凉。如果是做两层的,中间我用了瓶果酱。

step 3,奶油: 奶油要买heavy wipping cream, 要大盒的,另外还要cream cheese, 这是 爱厨的方子。两样东西放在干净的容器里(没水没油),再加糖粉, 攪拌器打成凝固的奶油。如果没有cream cheese, 我以前加过淀粉,不好吃但也有凝固的效果。没有糖粉, 加糖也凑合,提前放,让糖融化融化在打。


最后一步就是装饰了,这是个熟能生巧的技术,多练习几次。 我也是初学,没什末经验呢。

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanksgiving 菜谱

菜:土豆沙拉,烤红薯,cranberry source, stuffing
main: 火鸡
soup: ??
drink: wine, juice

1.芒果沙拉: 就是把芒果(较硬点的芒果切出来比较好看)切成丝,还有胡萝卜丝,西红柿丝,加蒜泥,香菜末,小辣椒末(就是那种特辣的朝天椒)鱼露,盐,糖,柠檬汁,一拌即可
another: 色拉(虾仁,黄瓜,彩椒,豆皮,番茄,红萝卜,松仁),

2. 烤大虾: 虾525克,洗净沥水,去掉上半截壳备用, 绍酒2茶匙,盐1/2茶匙,白胡椒粉1/8茶匙,香油2茶匙,蒜蓉2茶匙,辣椒粉1/2茶匙(McCormick Paprika,COSTCO可买,孜然粉(Cumin)1/2茶匙。 8寸长竹签7根。菜籽油1大匙。

这个菜后来换成了大虾冷盘,就是买的熟虾, 用个小碟子放catchup, 自己沾着吃. 不太受欢迎.

3. Stuffing: 晚上睡前,泡一小碗糯米和几个香菇
香菇,胡萝卜,冬笋(水煮真空袋装德,比罐头的好吃多了)切丁,和葱花一起下有过爆香,倒入糯米,香菇水别浪费了,一起到进来, 半只柠檬挤汁滴在糯米饭上

4. cranberry sauce(orange juice 0.5 cup, water 0.5 cup, sugar 3/4 cup, bring to boil at medium temp, add a bag of cranberry, bring to boil again then cover and simmer for 10 minutes)

smashed potato:

5. 烤turkey 的时候,扔几个红薯进去烤,就是一个side dish,上桌的时候可以按老美的习惯加上红糖和butter

6. 一碟甜面酱,黄瓜条,大葱丝。另外用豆芽,胡萝卜丝,冬笋丝,葱丝清炒一碟,可以一起卷着turkey吃,不那么腻

后记: 宾主尽欢啊, 都说我做得好吃. 第二天,剩菜还摆了一大桌,招待关系比较近的朋友. 剩下的火鸡剩菜吃了有一周. 第一次体会到吃Thanksgiving 剩菜的好处, 前提是这个剩菜要是好吃的剩菜.
For the year of 2010, I will prepare:
1. Turkey with baked vege, gravy,
2. Baked yam
3. Green Beans
4. Cake for dessert
5. wine, drink,
6. green onion + sweet sauce
7. Fruit plates

Sunday, November 16, 2008


2003 年我们刚到洛杉矶的时候,正赶上一场秋日的野火烧到附近的一个山头。我们还开车去看热闹, 隔着山沟,看到山火烧到一家人的后院了, 回来我们就收拾了个包, 把护照什么的都放里面, 准备随时逃命呢. 当时空气里的烟灰纷纷的落在车窗上的记忆还犹新呢. 现在想想那时候真是没见过世面. 其实那年的火是很严重的, 但我们还远不在危险区. 我们附近的西米谷当时是四面楚歌, 因为里面住着很多退休的救火员和警察, 所以救火的人都是拼命的, 那么严重的火, 不过才烧了几家房子.

我们来之后, 洛杉矶基本是年年都着火, 有时候远点, 有时候近点, 我们基本都没什么危险. 洛杉矶这里原来是一片沙漠, 靠别州的水源才有了绿色. 这里一年从二月到十月基本没有雨, 冬天下些雨, 山上的灌木矮树就会生机勃勃, 到来年夏秋时机, 洛杉矶就会刮热热的大风, 在大风天里, 这些晒黄的植物就是火源. 如果前一天晚上有热风刮起, 基本第二天就会报道说哪里哪里有火了.

今年的冬天来得特别晚,这都十一月末了, 天热得还象夏天一样. 今年的火也特别的多, 好几次都烧得离我家很近. 有一次我在上班, 知道了着火的消息, 赶紧做最早的车往回赶. 在车站等车的时候, 有个老太太都快哭了, 她家里的清洁女工把浇花的水都打起来, 还在给她守着房子. 我把远远和一个朋友的孩子接回家, 尽量不让他们觉得太紧张, 但是远远看到山上的火还是很激动的. 虽然我们能看到火, 但因为风向的原因, 基本上空气还是干净的. 朋友全家不能回家, 后来说她们的邻居看到的就烧了三家. 她还愤愤地说, 如果风向转的话, 烧得就不是中产的家而是豪宅了. 还真是, 没几天就又有一场大火, 烧了有200多家的豪宅.

周六起来,就看天色不对,打开电视一看,果然,前几天烧过的一个地方又开烧了。那里离我们开车有不到10分钟的样子。 这次我们在下风口,空气里烟尘特别多。我们磨磨蹭蹭,到10点钟断电了才收拾了出门,到远处的一个公园玩了几个小时,回来的时候就好多了,没有那末大的烟味了。 周日的时候,火烧到更南的几个地方,空气还是不好,但是两个孩子都病了,不能离开家, 我们就在家里呆着了。这次烧了我们附近几百家的汽车房,这是穷人的房子。水火无情。


Saturday, November 15, 2008


再有半个月明明就一岁半了. 现在他会说:

爸爸 (一般情况下不叫, 有时候在爸爸的威逼利诱下也妥协的叫几声, 一般是对着爸爸叫妈妈)

妈妈 (这个是经常叫,时时叫)

哥哥 (最喜欢的人, 也经常欺负的人, 注意,是小的欺负大的) ,阿姨 (一叫阿姨阿姨就高兴)

爷爷,奶奶, 姥姥,牛牛, 头头 (这都是我们教的了)
鸭鸭(指所有有翅膀的), 车车, 唔唔(指天上就是飞机, 不然就是火车), 鹉(鹦鹉, 我家的玩具, 可以重复简单的词) ,再见 (有时候我们打电话忘了说他就大声地替我们说) 。。。
不地不地贝贝(所有的小宝宝, 包括自己)

还有就是嘴巴里老有各种各样的声音. 我们说一, 能大声地叫二. 最喜欢去停车场, 因为他啊啊的大叫能听到回音. 最喜欢的玩具除了小火车就是他自己的推车, 出门一定要自己推, 坚决不要别人帮, 除非是哥哥坐进去, 才让人帮他一起推哥哥. 看一岁半的明明推四岁的哥哥真是一景啊.

现在晚上还是和我们睡一个屋, 有时候能在自己的小床睡整觉, 有时候半夜醒了要和我们挤一个床. 最新的本领是自己从浴缸里翻进翻出.

12 月的时候我们就不用阿姨了, 一月份我们会送明明去远远原来的学校,明明两岁的时候我们也看好了一个学校可以送。不过12 月可真麻烦,找了好久,终于一个邻居说可以替我们看半个月了。本来以为很容易的事情呢,我们两个年底时间都宽裕,就需要韧带十几天的样子,谁知道那末麻烦,我们还早早帮我们的阿姨找了下家, 幸好现在解决问题了。

Thursday, November 13, 2008

远远的生日- my gym

远远生日的时候, 我们给他办了个大的生日聚会, 请了十几个小朋友, 远远的好朋友, 还有邻居,我们的朋友中有年级接近的小孩, 都请到了。 我学习做蛋糕, 做的生日蛋糕很受欢迎呢。 远远收了很多礼物, 礼物虽然多, 但没有他想了很久的电动火车。 收到的礼物中有 几个是附了收据的, 我带远远跑了两个店, 退了几样礼物, 终于买到了他的电动火车。 怕明明抢, 还一样买了两个。 远远高兴得跳起来了:“我有电动火车了! 再不是伤心的孩子了!”

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A and B in October

Oct 30th

Arthur is so much happier in his new school! He gained 7 pounds in 3 months as the tallest kid in his class! He also made several new friends. His best friends are Pablo and Sofia who are twins. He hugs them every day. I am so glad that he is so happy now. The only bad part is that he forgetting how to write. Starting from yesterday, I have him practice writing every night. In rewarding, I mark a star in the calendar and promised that he will be rewarding with an electronic train once he collects 20 stars.

Benjamin is such a cute kid. He learns everything so quickly. He refused to sit in his highchair now and insists that he will sit at the table like others do. He wants to use pan and likes to scrawl on the papers. What a different boy he is!

We will send Benjamin out in December.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A and B in August

August 11th
Arthur enjoys swimming a lot recently.

After Weimin came back, I started taking him to the big pool. He loves it! He swims with his head in the water, and with his dog style. It is hard to teach him the froggy style. He drinks water all the time.

Benjamin like to walk around while Arthur's in the water. When he walks on the hot surface, he just started to cry. He doesn't know to walk under the shade even he cried for several times. Yesterday he walked for around 30 steps with me holding just one of his little hands. He swaddled like a duck which make himself so cute!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Days without daddy - week 4

Monday, July 28th
Time flies, actually, it has been moving slowly. I have to think of how to entertain two kids in the weekend. We stayed at home most of the time this weekend. On Saturday I was very tired, and I took Arthur to see a movie Molly. Arthur got scared after an hour after the movie started. He told me that he missed the baby so we left at once. He told his dad that he is scared in the phone.

On Sunday I took them to a park close by. We enjoyed the quite time in the park for a few hours.

Tuesday, July 29th
Benjamin is walking! He can stand up and move a few steps. He was so happy with this new skill and he kept on practicing. The longest record for yesterday is 16 steps.

There is an 5.8 degree earthquake in Chino Hills which is one hour drive from my home. I feel it at work and it last about 10 seconds. Some of our colleagues went out and none of the cell phone worked. I came back to my office and use my office phone to reach the home. Huang felt it at Northridge and she went out with the baby. I need to prepare for the coming big earthquake which may happen any time.

Earthquake rocks Los Angeles

Monday, August 4th
I have lost a few pounds in last month. My life is so much easier with Huang's around. I guess that I am still under pressure without Weimin's around. I have to worry about getting on bus on time to pick up Arthur, and entertain both kids in the weekend.

I took Arthur to the Encino farmer's market on Sunday morning and got something good and cheap. The flower is $1 per bunch! Going to farmer's market in one of my very few hobbies. I took them to the Simi valley town center in the afternoon. Arthur loves the fish pond and little train ride there very much. Too bad that I only have 1$ left by the time that I bought the ticket for him. By the time that I found another two dollars in my pocket, the train ride was closed. Still, we enjoyed three hours casual time there with Arthur complained that he didn't get on the train on our way back. Arthur went to play with his friend Branden after dinner. I think that he had a great day.

On Arthur's morning visit to baby and me in my bedroom, Arthur told the baby when he is saying Ba Ba, Ba Ba (daddy): "My daddy is coming back today and he will play with you. " I told Arthur to say Our instead of My. I also use his daddy's coming back as the bait to get him dress up and go to school on time though I am pretty late this morning since baby wake me up in the middle of the night.

I picked up Arthur earlier in the afternoon. He was so happy to see me. "Let's pick up Daddy!". He wanted to share his happiness with the school director, too . "Let's say goodbye to Mrs Roni. " he said. When he went into the office and talked to Mrs. Roni, he was kind of shy, didn't look into her eyes, and said something like "My daddy went to China and come back, and I will pick him up" and so on.

We drove to Flyaway to pick up Weimin. I didn't plan to take the baby but surrendered under his urgency. Benjamin was very happy in the car, and in Flyaway station. He was crawling around, and so his bare feet and legs were all dirty. We waited for half an hour before we saw Weimin. Benjamin caught many eyes as his used to. A nice old lady who worked there told me several times to wash his dirty feet and so I did. That is why daddy didn't see a dirty baby after he got off the bus.

It was like a holiday last night. Baby and Arthur got many presents. I got a surprise present, too. It was so great to have him back.

It was a good experience for me for the last four weeks. I don't know how those single parent handle their kids' request of "I want my daddy/mommy" while they can't fulfill it. Parents tend to give kids whatever they want. I can still tell Arthur that his daddy is in China/Korean, with his grandpa or grandma, and will come back soon with many presents, and he can still talk to his dad on phone. I can't imagine what will happen if Weimin doesn't show up. The bound between us is so much stonger after we build a family with two kids.

Friday, July 25, 2008


是真的蛇啊! 远远学校有一次有自然课, 远远摸了蛇,蜥蜴等等.

远远四岁生日我做的蛋糕, 很受欢迎呢. 美国的蛋糕都太甜了, 很多也不用真的奶油,因为做出的花很容易化掉. 这是我第一个成品蛋糕呢.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Days without daddy- week 3

July 21th, Monday
I bought Edward for Arthur last week. This is one of the Thomas train that he doesn't have and he asked for it for a long time. He started to miss daddy ever since then because I told him that only dad can open the package for him. I have took out two new toys for him to play after Weimin left. I will give him another one since he missed his dad so much.

I took both of them to neighbor's home last night. Arthur enjoy to play with Brenden a lot. Benjamin make both Brenden and his baby brother cried, and kept on bothers two big kids. He also pushed the slide door down. I have to take him home.

July 22th, Tuesday
I took both of them to swim. Arthur took his 'big boat' with him and enjoy it so much. Both of them get up at around 7. Arthur asked for his daddy again.

July 23th, Wednesday
Arthur sang the happy birthday song to his dad on the phone. We came to Northridge for 5 years. 5 years ago, we came to Northridge on Weimin's birthday. We were so excited at that time. The new life in front of us seems to be full of hope. Yes, we got our green card, a family, and a peaceful life.

Arthur said that he didn't want to swim yesterday so we spend sometime on the patio to draw chalk pictures.

July 25th, Friday
People told me that it is easy and fun to have two kids since they can play together. I found it is a lie. I kept Arthur at home for one hour so he can play with his baby. He can Benjamin took turns to cry. I have to keep them seperate.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Videos that I love


My job:

Randy Pausch passed away on July 25th, 2008

Days without daddy- week 2

July 15th, 2008 Tuesday

I wish that I could go to bed earlier but I have to put both of them to sleep. Benjamin didn't sleep well and Arthur wake me up at 6am. He had bleeding nose again. My grandma made a red quilt for my mom. My mom left it with me on her last trip. Arthur loves that quilt so much. It is very soft and warm. I told him to hug it but not to put it on himself but he always put all quilts especially that warm red quilt on himself. He did it last night and it was a hot day. I took that quilt away from him and put it in the closet. It also got his peepee with it. I don't know how to wash it since it is made of cotton and some camel wool as my mom told me.

I usually have some free time to think on the bus. I have thanked my sons for the happiness that they brought for a thousand times. They fill in the holes in my life and in my heart. I enjoy it so much of having them. Sometimes I imagine what to do if I get pregnant again. After we had Benjamin, we missed the life that we can't have since we spend all our extra money on Benjamin. Actually he is more expensive than our expectation. We have to hire a nanny for him and that cost us a lot. Once I see his happy face, my plan for taking Arthur to travel around the world just doesn't seem to be attractive any more. I believe that Arthur will cherish his brother more than the memory of going to some weird place and see some weird people.

Arthur got used to the life without dad. Last week, he will mention his dad in a sudden. For example, he will say:"My dad will bring me present" when he is eating; say ''My dad wear white" when he sees someone passed by; say "I don't wake my dad up, he is sleeping" when he is upstairs. He doesn't say something like these this week.

July 18th, Friday
Arthur had fever on Thursday. He had three accidents and wet his underwears. I kept on asking him to drink water at the same time. Benjamin was doing fine. Arthur had lower fever this morning and I still send him to school. We saw his picture from a natural class and he was sitting there with a big snake on his lap and over his neck. He was so happy!

July 20th, Sunday
I took them to Descondo garden on Saturday. Arthur loves the vegetable garden a lot. Arthur slept for the whole afternoon. He was such a nice boy after Benjamin went to bed at night. I haven't seen such a sweet Arthur for a long time.

I took them to the Balboa park this morning. We bought some vegetable from the local farm.

Friday, July 11, 2008


写下这个题目,还是有私心的,希望利用GOOGLE 强大的搜索,让更多的人知道老马。


幽暗的深处有两辑。第一辑是2003年的,按时间来看,算是老马赠书时候的新作了。翻开一看,怎么觉得每首都好。我读此辑的时候, 正在喧闹的洗车场给老公洗他不忍让人目睹的车,而每首诗,好像带我离开这烈日炎炎的加洲,到了一个浓荫遍地的地方,有清泉安静的流淌,有白色的花温柔的绽放。

如果时光逆转,十年前,我是不会欣赏老马的诗的。那时候,我欣赏的是空灵的虚幻美丽。 那时候读老马的诗,只知道他的朴实,却没有感动。老马的诗歌,象是大提琴的安稳沉静的声音,需要安静的耳朵才能听到。做了母亲之后的我,对两个儿子的爱让我的心远离喧憩, 变得沉寂下来,这时候,我的心才能被这安静的心曲而打动。我也惊叹文字和图画这些记录人的心的形式,穿越时间和空间,真情实感,总在哪一个角落有人响应。

第二辑是一些旧做,我有些明白,有的不知所云。04年回国的时候,老马提起自己的女儿,面上都是满足和欣赏,那时候我的远远还在我温暖的身体里成长,我还没有体会到为人母的乐趣,实在不能和他心有戚戚。后来远远出生后的一两年,我都在担忧劳累中,身体也不堪负重,直到明明的到来,才开始享受小孩子的可爱。 老马自己的心,是否也因为人父而改变了呢?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Some movies

Weimin left three movies for me to return to blockbuster.

Face off, seems to be a nice movie, too bad that what he got is a special feature disk.

Omega man, I am watching it. It is the early version of The Last Man on Earth.

Another one is a western movie, 3:10 to somewhere, I have no interest at all

Monday, July 7, 2008

Days without daddy- week 1

July 7th, 2008

I send Weimin to the airport last night. Both kids went to bed after I came back. Huang, our nanny said that it isn't hard to get Arthur off from the TV except he kicked her twice.

Arthur didn't ask for his dad this morning, and he is kind of excited when I told him that the school will offer swim class starting from today. Today is the Crazy Hat day of the school. I don't know what does it mean so I took a big hat out for him. I am glad that Arthur choose the sun cap that he used to wear. The school teacher seems to be surprised when I told her that I brought a hat for this crazy hat day.

Benjamin enjoy the clean patio that I clearned up for him yesterday.

I took both of them to the pool. Benjamin kept balance until the last minute: he rolled over in the pool and I have to grab him out of the water. He didn't cry after it.

Both of them doing fine at night. Arthur enjoyed his Lagos train a lot. It has been put away for a few months.

July 8Th, 2008.

I am so tired this morning. Can't do any work. I called Weimin several times from my cell. Could not make the connection.

Arthur seems to love his new class now. He still likes to take a car with him even after I warned him that he may lose it since he is moving between the new class and old class. Benjamin was very happy this morning, went to the patio and came back all by himself. He is free now. Huang said that he took a book from upstairs and somehow brought it downstairs, (not throwing the book from upstairs). This is a big task for a 13 months old baby since he got to figure out how to get down on the stair backward, and carry the book at the same time.

I took both of them to swim again. Arthur scared his brother once for rolling him around in the water. They two get alone in the water most of the time. Benjamin manure himself very well which make me believe that he will be a good swimmer in the future.

Finally got touch with Weimin at dinner time. He is doing fine in Shanghai. One of our bachelor friend eventually got married. I am very glad to hear this news.

Arthur insisted to sleep on his dad's bed which is a single bed next to his bed with no protection. I was downstairs after he fall asleep and heard a big bump. He fall on the floor and was still sleeping.

July 9th, 2008 , wednesday
Both kids wake up at around 7 recently. I could drop Arthur off before 8am and take the bus at 8:10. I start working after 9 and leave at 4. Just 1 hour earlier than usual.

I took Arthur to a new class in My Gym. This class required parents to be with the kid on the floor since it targets at younger kid. Arthur enjoy it as usual. I kept on thinking of open such a place in China. I can have a series: one my Gym, one daycare center, one bookstore for kids, and one public library. I need a million to launch this project! I even got a name for it: Red Apple Center. I wish that Weimin's rich friend could give up his Rolex watch and start either one place from this project!

I have a complex board meeting and I took both kid to the meeting home. I just wanted to stop by but it turned out that we stayed for one hour in Amenia's home. She has a lot of food prepared and Arthur got alone very well with her two kids. Her six year old boy even put the shoes on for Arthur twice! Arthur just sat there and took it for granted that he should be taken care of by this little boy. Benjamin enjoyed eating a piece of bread on Amenia's lap very much.

Not much too say for the night. Both kids went to bed very well. Arthur was very tired today and he went to bed earlier.

July 10th, 2008 Thursday
I called Weimin after I got to work. A strange voice responded with a hello. In China, people usually pick up the phone with "Weiiii", the European style. So, I asked if I have reached the right room number, and I got the answer as yes. I just hang it up then. It is interesting to speak English this way. I guess that Weimin went to Nanjing already.

July 11th, 2008, Friday
Arthur didn't want to go to school this morning. After we get to the school, he suddenly cried since he didn't bring a car with him. He asked for his car toy and doesn't want to walk at all. I tried my best. With his swim towel and shoes in my hand, I can't do much. I finally lost my patience and slap on his butt, and pull his ear. He cried for daddy.

After we get to his classroom, I asked that teacher for a car to give to Arthur. Lida is not there today, and the other teacher is very mean, insist that he can't get a car until go to bathroom and eat the snack. Finally she went to brought some cars, which are in a plastic can, and said that he can't get a car until he finish his snack. Now I know why Arthur always bring his car to school. It is because he can't play with cars at his free will. Cars are his favorite toys, and he doesn't play anything else!

I feel very guilty for not spoil him. The society is crude and if we can't get comfort from our parents, how cold it will be! I will keep cars in my car and in his cabinet so he can play anytime.

July 11th, Saturday

I took both kids to the Zoo in the morning. Arthur saw tiger, bear, hippo, chipanzee, goat, flamingo, allegator and others. Benjamin played at the playground with Huang. Everyone got so tired and we all took a nap after we came back. After they wake up, I did some shopping and cooked the Beijing Noodle for Arthur. He doesn't like it. I took both of them to the pool. Arthur was a hero for tring to save his brother while he rolled around. When both of them were in the bathtub, I prepared the watermelon for them. Arthur saw a movie at night.

I can't help admiring their life!

July 12th, Sunday
Both kids went to the park in the morning. I did very little exercise there. After they took a nap, I took Arthur to Trader Joe's since he bugges Benjamin every the other minutes. Both of them went to the pool after sunset. I feel Benjamin is a littlt bit hot but not quite sure. He got fever at night and threw up at night. I have to wash everything on my bed. It was a tough night as while. Lukily I was wake up by Arthur on Monday morning and send him to the school. He took a green car with him and put it in his pocket with so much love. I am also luck enough to catch the 8:10 bus.