Wednesday, October 12, 2011

positive psychology


Monday, October 10, 2011

Arthur's first week on campus

In order to save $380 per week, I dropped Arthur off and have him stay on campus.

His dad somehow picked him up earlier than usual. He took him home, then went to do yard work. Arthur just watched pokeman.

Tuesday is a banked day. Student was released at 1:30. Arhur went to a free bible afterschool until 3, then go to auditorium to practice flute. He ends up asked me a lot of questions about what is God, is he alive and so on. I have to tell him about budda. I am not a faithful buddist, but have to tell him all about it so he won't become a stubborn christian.

On Wednesday, it was rainning heavily. It is so hard to convince myself not to pick him up from his school. there is a shelter, there are a lot of other kids, he got to get used to this kind of life, grow up.....It turned out that I was worried too much. At the time when my husband picked him up, all kids are in a big room watching TV.

On Thursday, he went to luklele class and somehow finished part of the homework.

I am pretty happy with his first week. He is asking me to pick him up later today, which is a good sign.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


无论吃辣和不吃辣的都喜欢的菜 (家里有的干货的话,可以在炒菜时加很少一点, 如2个木耳,2个香菇,这样还可以增加一点颜色) 热炒:西兰花炒牛肉等各种蔬菜炒牛肉,土豆肉丝,鱼香肉丝,木须肉, 豆豉西芹抄猪肉丁芹菜豆腐干炒肉丝, 面筋塞肉,豇豆肉末,肉末炒毛豆,蚂蚁上树,各种烤排骨,西宁鸡,宫保鸡丁,虾仁海鲜煲,西芹炒虾仁,水晶虾仁等 蔬菜类:拍黄瓜,蒜泥西兰花(等各种蒜泥炒蔬菜),鱼香茄子,地三鲜,拌海带 点心类:饺子,春卷,炸鸡腿,虾肉烧卖,珍珠丸子,荷叶糯米鸡 米饭类:炒米粉,炒面和各种蛋炒饭,但不要做汤面,老外不会吃。