我老公导师上大学的时候的roomate在这里做医生,人家住beverley hill山上一个豪宅,业余爱好是木匠,做的东西都是艺术品。我们要装地板,他给我们推荐他的地板店,说多好多好。木匠推荐的木地板店,那肯定错不了。我们就怕价钱贵,不过还是让老板来家里看了看。老板是个神人,从埃及来的,ucla毕业去的传媒界,后来觉得升不上去就出来自己干。对木头特别热爱。He do hard wood floor import, and said that a lot of wood floor in LA is from his wholesale store. 来我们家也尽量给我们打算,帮我们选颜色什么的。大家要装地板可以去他店里看看。如果面积小,自己量了直接买了让他们装就好。面积大大概需要老板出马到你家。他家主要做实木进口批发,顺便其他的零碎小生意也都做。不过如果太小生意,人家大概也不愿意费太多时间。
JNJ Hardwood Floor Mnftr, 310-482-3718, 11844 Jefferson Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230
Installer arranged by JNJ: Jose Perez, 323-610-6709, Angel Robles 323-496-4477
We are very satisfied with the installation. Reasonable materials left all for us. The boss said that two boxes will be extra. He is exactly right!
Other two reference recommend by friends. We didn't go to these stores. Both friends said that they are satisfied as while:
1. Flooring 101 Micheal Soury 805-371-8877 (Phone) Hardwood floor installer:Name: Javier 818-674-7569 (cell phone)
2. Floor: http://www.inetflooring.com/ 18335 Bedford Circle, La Puente, CA 91744 Tel: 626-839-7598, Fax: 626-839-7698 e-mail: inetflooring@earthlink.net Ask for David. He is in charge of sales.
Deepclean carpet: Chem Dry Carpet Tech, http://www.cdcarpettech.com/ very satisfied with their service, 2 guys come with a van, coupon can be found in a lot of small books.
2025 Chinaway Volunteers Program
7 years ago