Tuesday, June 16, 2009

LA, San Diago 旅行计划

要去的地方: LA: 环球影城, 迪思尼; San Diago: 海洋馆, 乐高城
Aug 8th: Paradise cove and Point dume State beach

Aug 14 - Aug 21. 每天的计划

Aug 14: Channel Harbor Art show: http://www.channelislandsharbor.org/events.cfm
Aug 14, Friday: 海岸星光线早晨 8点出发, 晚上 8点到 西米谷 Oakland to Simi Valley

Coastal Starlight schedule and station: www.amtrak.com/timetable/apr07/P11.pdf
Stations Address: http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=Amtrak/am2Route/Vertical_Route_Page&c=am2Route&cid=1081256321841&ssid=135
Bart Station: http://www.bart.gov/stations/closest.aspx

Aug 15, Saturday: 中午出发, go to the zoo ,stop by laguna beach, 晚上到 San Diago
Comfort Inn Zoo Seaworld through AAA.com

Best Western South Bay: http://www.res99.com/hotel/10010245-10193109T.html?ses=0a489ef8ef8ec514ff93e6479fccf6ps&unps=y

Aug 16, 17: San Diago: Sea World, Legoland
17号离开圣地亚哥, 开到 Disney, 把客人放到 disney
Aug 16: Pick up dad at long beach then drop at the disnet hotel.

Aug 18, 19 : Disney for two days Ticket: $99 Disneyland.com , special deals

19 号晚上去把4个客人接回来
20号 : Universal Studio 环球影城. Metro 240

Aug 21: packup and leave

Dad: 21 Aug, 23:50 departure CZ0328, Terminal B
Chenglan: 22 Aug, 1:40am CA984 , Terminal 2

San Diego Transportation:http://embassysuites.hilton.com/en/es/hotels/hotelpromo.jhtml;jsessionid=VIR41E33GL45SCSGBIX222Q?ctyhocn=SANDNES&promo=SANDNES_Attraction_transportation&cid=OH,ES,sandn,TransportationF

Amtrak Station: Sata Fe Rail.

An easy way to get to the San Diego Trolley from the airport is to take Bus #992, "The Airport Flyer" that stops at each terminal. Fare was $2.25 (March 2004). TIP: Ask for a transfer to save on the Trolley fare. For example, if you are going to Tijuana, the fare is only $0.25 more. Get off the bus at Broadway and Kettner. Then cross the street to the American Plaza Transit Center. Follow the link below for a full size map.

Hotel for Dad: Best Western Bayside Inn, Holiday Inn On The Bay (68181498, Aug2nd-Aug6th)
Hotel at Sea World: Howard Johnson Inn - San Diego Sea World / Airport (http://hotel-guides.us/ , IHOP, Du-Pars)

850 Palomar Airport Rd - Carlsbad, CA, United States 92008

Santa Monica: http://www.seashoremotel.com/

乐高乐园门票: http://arestravel.com/3872_ticket-list_m86_r610217.html

LA cheap: http://losangelesonthecheap.blogspot.com/
LA, San Diago:加州旅游热点城市之常见问答: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=267256
州海岸旅遊 http://calasf.blogspot.com/
鱼的加州纪行 http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=276078&page=3
Getty: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=533694
Getty: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=564797
University Studio: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=537137
Huntington: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=458416
Disney, Legoland: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=533295
Disney: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=378753&page=2
Hotel: http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=630110
住在union station 附近,做地铁也可以去不少地方呢:http://www.huaren.us/dispbbs.asp?boardid=328&Id=583202
如果要利用公交,买day pass, 能随上随下bus/rail, http://www.metro.net/riding_metro/maps/default.htm
红线的wilshire vermont出口接720可以去一些博物馆(La brea tar pits(http://www.tarpits.org/ ), 小学生必去的一站,隔壁就是LACMA http://www.lacma.org/ ), 然后可以一路到Beverly Hills 的shopping area http://www.family-vacation-getaways-at-los-angeles-theme-parks.com/Beverly-Hills-Shopping.html , 再往西就到westwood UCLA了. 红线highland 站是星光大道中国剧院。如果住downtown, Disney concert hall, MOCA, Japan town, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels http://www.olacathedral.org/ 都可以逛逛。
Hotel Deals: http://hotels.travelzoo.com/california-hotels/

La Jolla Hotel: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g32578-d77444-Reviews-Travelodge_La_Jolla_Beach-La_Jolla_California.html
Mission Bay: http://www.thedana.com/

LA adult school: http://daceweb3.lausd.k12.ca.us/schoolfinder/FMPro
Granada Hills: 17450 Rinaldi St Granada Hills, CA 91344 -3436 (818) 366-9171
Reseda: 18230 Kittridge St. Reseda, CA 913351 818-758-3700
Woodland hill: 5440 Valley Circle Blvd.Woodland Hills, CA 91367

Hotels: http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS310US310&q=13000%20Venice%20Boulevard%20__Los%20Angeles%2C%20CA%2090066&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl

Discount Theaters: http://www.family-vacation-getaways-at-los-angeles-theme-parks.com/Discount-Theater-Locations.html


CSUN Little Theater: http://www.csun.edu/tadw/Schedule.html
Odyssey Restaurant:http://www.theodysseyrestaurant.com/

Friday, June 5, 2009


妈妈教明明用点鼠标,让他喜欢的歌重新放一遍。 他一学就会了。 妈妈高兴的夸他:“弟弟真聪明!” 后来他自己每次重复放歌的时候,都会小声说一句 “弟弟真聪明” 来夸奖自己。

送爸爸和哥哥到机场, 明明本来扭着小腿要下来走走的,看到妈妈跟本就没让他下车,带着他开车走了, 立刻就大哭起来。 后来我说了好几次, 爸爸和哥哥去中国了,他才不哭了。 明明很想爸爸个哥哥的。 想的时候就说:“ 爸爸。。哥哥。。中国呀, 妈妈。。弟弟。。。家里呀。” 有时候也说成妈妈。。弟弟。。中国呀, 他是不是也想去中国呢? 明明还提醒我给爸爸打电话, 如果电话说得短了, 他就拿着电话反复的哭。 明明最喜欢听哥哥叫他弟弟的声音, 一听就微微的笑。

那天我带明明出去玩,回来的时候停了车,往后面一靠,不由自主地唉了一声。刚唉完,就听后坐上有人奶声奶气的说:“累死了。” 这个小鹦鹉,什么时候把我的口头语学去了。

哥哥在电话里唱了两只老虎的歌,弟弟印象深刻,教他几次就会了。“两只老虎, 两只老虎, 一个一个耳朵,一个一个尾巴”让他唱歌的时候他就这么唱。今天,改说:“两只。。。。妈妈。。。。两只。。。爸爸。。。两只。。。弟弟。。。两只。。。。哥哥!”

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Arthur's trip to China

I want Arthur to do a poster in his class after he come back. Here is his stories in China.
  • Chickens
    Arthur: My dad bought me two chickens from the farmer's market. One is brown and one is yellow. I love them so much! My dad keep on telling me don't drop them and don't squeeze them. My head likes them (??). They are getting so noisy so we put them in the box and leave them on the patio. Suddenly a chicken starts to scream! A wild cat eats another chicken! The cat came back with a friend. He wants to share the food with his friend. Sword, where is my sword! I want to kill the cat and save my friend!

    I only have one chicken left and it is so lonely. My dad take me to the market to buy another chicken. We didn't find any this time. The left alone chicken was eaten by the cat during night. Cat, why don't you eat mouse?

    Dad: Two chicken costs me just 1 yuan, taking the taxi, and the replacement pet(a fish) cost 4 yuan. Arthur had a lot of fun with the chicken.

  • School
    Arthur: The new school is so much fun! Jigsaw, I had never played jigsaw before! It isn't right to sit inside of the jigsaw. You got to share it with another friend and sit at the sides.

    Dad: I can't believe the tuition of the school. It is just 150 yuan per month! The school is very safe and Arthur loves it.

  • Uncles and aunts
    Arthur: I love my uncles. My uncle one has a dog named fox. He has a big, no, buge vegetable garden, too! My uncle two has no hair, and a big belly.
    I don't like my aunts. They are old and they are woman.

    Mom: Arthur! Mommy is a woman and mommy will be very old! If you say that again to your aunts, I will spank your ass until it turns into a flower!

    Comments from mom: We didn't do a good preparation at this point. We tried to build the connection between Arthur and his grandpa and grandma, but ignored other relatives. We should have showed him the photos of other relatives so he got know them more.
    Arthur doesn't like girls before he left. I didn't know that he doesn't like woman either.